Friday, July 4, 2014

Week 2 Blog Post- Starting My Research (Evaluating Background Information)

The background information I found from this weeks assignment was interesting. There is not a lot about the history of charter schools from the research I conducted. I found one document that had a little bit of history and research that could be useful to my writing in the next couple of weeks. I will have to conduct some more research in the next couple of weeks to find more useful background information. The information that I did find is helpful to provide studies that were conducted comparing traditional public school to charter schools.

The research that I found has provided me with more research to the effectiveness of charter school education for students. One article that I found had a more negative feel to the research that dismissed charter school education. The other article was more neutral toward charter school education. I think both articles can be useful in writing the final paper. The research process takes a lot longer than was expected mainly because I could not find much background on my topic. There is not a lot on my topic, but there is enough to write a supported literature review. Hopefully I can find more information in the next couple of weeks to support my topic.

I did not use any new research strategies when I found my articles. I went to Google Scholar because I have always used it first when I look for articles. I find that it helps me the most because it states whether the link is a book, article, or journal. I really want to look more into various charter schools in the United States. I work at a charter school so I see how the one I work at is really good when it comes to educating students, but I have read that there are some that are not as good as the one I work at. 

I am not sure what I really want to write about yet, but I think that my research will focus on the effectiveness of charter school education. I have not really considered charter schools before starting working at one. I see how it can be a good and bad experience, but it all depends on the child and their individual needs.


  1. This is a great research topic.How ever you are right it does take some time to find information. I also used Google scholar search engine which I found to be very helpful. I see your research topic is about the effectiveness of charter school education for students. Will you be comparing Charter schools curriculum's to public or private schools in terms of the effectiveness of the student outcomes? For example to see if students who attend Charter schools are better educational experience than those who attend public?

    1. Hi Shainna,
      Google Scholar is typically my go to for scholarly sources. It provides a lot of helpful links and I have found that it is most helpful. So far my topic will be about comparing public school to charter school. Yes, I think I want to write about the effectiveness of student outcomes. I have to do some more research into the topic first. From what I have read, there are mixed emotions and opinions about the subject. I get to see first hand how charter schools are beneficial, but they can also be a bad thing. The school I work at is very different. It is a charter school and the curriculum is different. Some of the subjects that I studied in school (like spelling and writing) are not as stressed as much… which I find very weird.

      Thank you for visiting my blog!
      -Allison Chang
